Logo Schauinsland

The region

The summit of the Schauinsland +1.284 m (with tower), view to the East. Bottom right you can see the access to the Schauinsland Mining Museum (+1.189 m)

In order of increasing distance from the Schauinsland. Because the four districts Freiburg, Oberried, Münstertal and Horben meet at the Schauinsland, knowing the district will help you to find your bearings.


Our attractions at the Schauinsland:

Schauinsland Mining Museum, the number 1 amongst visitor mines in the Black Forest www.schauinsland.de
Schauinsland Scooter Track, measuring 8 km, the longest track in Europe www.rollerstrecke.de


Steiber Jewellers

We offer a classic range of silver and gold jewellery and also specialise in amber and pearls as well as jewellery repairs Steiber Jewellers  www.steiber.de


Public transport in the Freiburg region:

Schauinslandbahn, with a length of 3.6 km this is the longest circulating cable car in Germany  www.schauinslandbahn.de
Freiburger Verkehrs AG VAG, trams + buses in Freiburg with timetable information  www.vag-freiburg.de
Südbadenbus SBG, buses in the wider area of Freiburg with timetable information  www.suedbadenbus.de


Schauinsland Mountain and its surrounding area:

The Schauinsland is in the heart of the stunning region of the Black Forest, 20 km south of Freiburg with its picturesque old town centre, 50 km from Switzerland and 30 km from France. You are guaranteed never to run out of things to do here.
Schniederlihof, 79254 Oberried-Hofsgrund, Farmhous Museum 15 min below the Mining Museum  www.dreisamtal.de
Sun Observatory, 79254 Oberried-Hofsgrund, the Kiepenheuer-Institute of Freiburg University runs guided tours several times a year  www.leibniz-kis.de
Steinwasenpark, 79254 Oberried-St. Wilhelm, the magical animal- and adventure park with rides and entertainment for the whole family  www.steinwasen-park.de
Forest Cabins on the Schauinsland, Skilift-, Dießendobel-, Langenbach-Cabin are available to rent from the City Forestry Office  www.forsthuetten-freiburg.de
Dreisamtal, Tip for leisure activities and accommodation in the four towns Oberried, Kirchzarten, Buchenbach, Stegen  www.dreisamtal.de
Stadt Freiburg im Breisgau, a “must” for holidaymakers in the Schwarzwald www.freiburg.de
Europa-Park, 77977 Rust, an hour’s drive from the Schauinsland  www.europapark.de
Schwarzwald Tourism, Tourism umbrella organisation / marketing organisation for the entire Black Forest  www.schwarzwald-tourismus.info
Schwarzwald Delights, Tips for your holiday in the Schwarzwald with accommodation finder  www.schwarzwald-geniessen.de


Restaurants + Hotels around the Schauinsland:

Restaurant Die Bergstation, 79254 Oberried-Hofsgrund, opening times match those of the Schauinslandbahn Cable Car  www.diebergstation.de
Hotel Die Halde, 79254 Oberried-Hofsgrund  www.halde.com
Restaurant Holzschlägermatte, 79100 Freiburg-Günterstal, closed Mondays  www.holzschlaegermatte.de
Zähringer Hof, 79244 Münstertal-Stohren, closed Mondays + Tuesdays  www.zaehringerhof.de
Rappenecker Hütte, 79254 Oberried, closed Mondays  www.rappeneck.com
Berggasthof Giesshübel, 79244 Münstertal-Stohren, closed Tuesdays + Wednesdays  www.gasthof-giesshuebel.de
Waldhotel am Notschreipass, 79674 Todtnau-Muggenbrunn  www.schwarzwald-waldhotel.de
Gasthaus Holzfällerstube, 79254 Oberried-St. Wilhelm, closed Mondays  www.holzfaeller-stube.de
Gasthaus Zur Linde-Napf, 79254 Oberried-St. Wilhelm, closed Tuesdays + Wednesdays   www.linde-napf.de
Vitalhotel Grüner Baum, 79674 Todtnau-Muggenbrunn  www.schwarzwald-vitalhotel.de
Gasthaus Kybfelsen, 79100 Freiburg-Günterstal, closed Mondays + Tuesdays  www.kybfelsen-freiburg.de
Gasthaus Zum Kreuz, 79117 Freiburg-Kappel, closed Mondays + Tuesdays  www.gasthaus-kreuz-kappel.de


Berghotel Schauinsland, 79100 Freiburg-Günterstal (please book in advance for large groups)  www.berghotel-schauinsland.org
Uni-Fachschaftshaus, 79244 Münstertal-Stohren (youth hostel style)  www.uni-freiburg.de


Other visitor mines in the southern Black Forest:

Have we woken your interest in mining? Why not visit our colleagues in the other three visitor mines?
Visitor mine Teufelsgrund in the Münstertal, a 30 min drive from the Schauinsland, fluorspar mining until 1958.  www.besucherbergwerk-teufelsgrund.com
Visitor mine Finstergrund near Wieden, a 40 min drive from the Schauinsland, fluorspar mining until 1972.  www.finstergrund.de
Visitor mine Hoffnungsstollen  in Todtmoos, 1 hour drive from the Schauinsland, 1934-37 Investigative mining of magnetic gravel and nickel ore deposits. www.hochschwarzwald.de.de/bergwerk-hoffnungsstollen



FGS 02/2025